
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chia Seed Pudding

Ready for an alternative breakfast or snack? Do you know much about chia seeds? Well I bought them on impulse at Trader Joes and retrieved a recipe from Whole Foods that I wanted to share. Here's the 411 about chia seeds taken directly from the label of the product itself:

"Chia seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch into a very small serving. In a single tablespoon, you get six grams of fiber, three grams of protein and 2.9 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids. Chia is often considered the richest plant-based source of dietary fiber, protein and Omega-3's."

Wow! If you're like me and get forgetful in taking your vitamins, I am completely sold on these suckers! Now I read up on them being a solution to dieting and losing weight, but unfortunately studies suggest that they don't quite help with that. However! Because the chia seeds expand with liquid, they serve as a means for filling you up quicker. So if you overeat more than you should, these bad boy can help fill you up so that you slow that down.

Thank you Whole Foods for this wonderful recipe!

1/3 C pecans, soaked overnight in water to cover
2-3 pitted dates, soaked overnight to rehydrate
3/4 C filtered water
2 T chia seeds
(tiny pinch of cinnamon)--in parentheses because I opted out of using
(tiny pinch of sea salt)
fresh or dried berries for garnish--optional, but preferred!

Pour soaking water off the pecans, and then blend them with the dates and 3/4 C water in a blender. Place chia seeds into a bowl and pour the liquid over them. If using the cinnamon and salt, add and stir to combine. You can eat this right away, but it is better to allow the pudding to sit for at least 5 minutes while the chia seeds soak up the liquid. Top with berries before serving, if desired. Hint, hint: blueberries!

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