
Sunday, January 29, 2012

I love food. You love food. We all love food.

It is no secret that I love food. If you come to read my blog, I am assuming that you love food too. Well, what kind of food do you come to find here? Do you love making breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Dessert?! (I hope you find something worthwhile on my site) As for me, I love making dinner food--but here's an interesting question--what kind of food do you love to eat? With the above choices, I would have to say all the above!  Right? However,  the kind of food you will see me eating most often is without a doubt----SNACKS!

Therefore, I thought I would compile a list of my favorite snacks in case you ever are at home...bored...hungry...and wondering, "hmmm, what shall I eat?" Hope this list fills your hunger cravings!

1. Popcorn. NO! Don't microwave it. Get the kernels and pop it yourself!! Use veggie oil, olive oil, or my favorite, canola oil. Do not add butter, but please add sea salt!

2. Frozen grapes--the purples. 
3. Frozen bananas 
4. A single serving of a pineapple smoothie-- 1/4 C pineapple juice, 1/4 C apple juice, 1/4 C orange juice, about 1/2 C crushed ice--mix in blender and voila!! Yes, sometimes this fulfills my hunger! Even better when you use a straw to suck it all up! 
5. Yoplait WhipsYogurts--I hate yogurt, but the whipped yogurt can go into the freezer. Therefore, frozen yogurt. 
6. Spoonfuls of Smucker's Natural peanut butter.... No Jiff in my house! Sometimes I like to throw in some apple to go with it. 
7. of my favorite fruits!
8. Nature Valley's Granola Thins 80 calorie packs--a new favorite snack--best flavor is peanut butter chocolate.
9. Pretzel Crisps with hummus 
10. I know this isn't much of a snack food, but I sometimes treat it as a snack-- Red Mill Steel Cut Oats (add blueberries, a pinch of brown sugar and walnuts....ohhhhh myyyyyy goodness gracious...thank you mom-in-law for this go-to food!)

Throughout the day, everyday, I am snacking on something above! I absolutely love snacks! Say heyyyyy! if you love snacks too!!! 

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